green smoothie

My Go-To Green Smoothie

I can think of a hundred reasons why smoothies are such a great choice for breakfast. They're easy to take with you to have at work or on-the-go, they're quick to make, and they're delicious. But for me, the best part is just how incredibly good for you they can be. Check out my article on why smoothies can be so healthy and I'm pretty sure you'll be convinced!

In short, the extra portions of fruit and veg they help us consume have some incredible health benefits, including lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, some cancers, cardiovascular disease, and a lower risk of becoming overweight. Smoothies can also be really high in iron and protein, great news for vegans. And they're perfect for keeping hydrated. So start your day with a healthy smoothie and you'll stay on top of your game! 

Another great thing about smoothies is just how versatile they can be - you can switch up the ingredients depending on what you have in the fridge. This recipe for my go-to green vegan breakfast smoothie is a favourite but I often switch up the ingredients which helps to get a variety of nutrients and flavours each day. 

my go-to green smoothie recipe vegan green breakfast smoothie healthy vegan nutrition

My Go-To Green Breakfast Smoothie


Ingredients for my go-to green breakfast smoothie - vegan and high in protein


This bit is really simple. Wash / rinse everything, chop up any larger ingredients, and chuck everything into a blender, topping up with water then adding the protein powder (optional). Blend until smooth then enjoy your healthy green vegan smoothie right away or keep in the fridge for later in the day (may need a stir if leaving 'till later). 


  • Protein: 15.4g (Women: 30.8% / Men: 28.0%)

  • Iron: 3.9mg (Women: 26.4% / Men: 44.8%)

  • Calories: 277 (Women: 13.9% / Men: 11.1%)

  • Sugars: 29.2 (Women: 32.4% / Men: 24.3%)

  • Total Fats: 3.1g (Women: 4.4% / Men: 3.3%)

  • Saturated Fat: 0.4g (Women: 2.0% / Men: 1.3%)

  • Salt: 0.3g (Women: 5.0% / Men: 5.0%)

  • Fibre: 9.9g (Women: 33.0% / Men: 33.0%)

See the Nutrition Info page for more details on % of Dietary Reference Values for men and women.

Ingredients for my go-to breakfast smoothie - healthy, vegan and high in protein