ergogenic aids

Beetroot - your secret weapon for performance?

beetroot juice performance enhancing effects vegan sports nutrition plant based sport and exercise nutritionist

Beetroot - health benefits

Beetroot’s long been the centre of attention for its health-promoting properties, particularly because of the pigments that provide its bright red colour – betalains – which have powerful antioxidant properties. Reduced oxidative stress and inflammation, lower blood pressure, and lower risk of type-2 diabetes and dementia are among some of the documented health benefits that can be enjoyed, courtesy of this wonder food (1).

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Performance-enhancing effects of beetroot

But often forgotten are the significant performance-enhancing properties of beetroot too. A review of 23 individual studies showed that supplementing with beetroot juice can significantly enhance cardiorespiratory endurance in athletes by increasing exercise efficiency, which improves performance at various distances and increase time to exhaustion (2). Another review showed that beetroot juice can also improve performance during intermittent high-intensity exercise, which is the basis for most team sports (3).

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These performance-enhancing properties are all thanks to the high nitrate content of beets – once consumed, they’re converted to nitrous oxide, an important signalling molecule which can help improve blood flow to the muscles during exercise and lower the oxygen cost of exercise through several mechanisms.

The evidence behind the performance-enhancing effects of beetroot juice is so compelling that institutions like the American College of Sports Medicine and the Australian Institute for Sport have documented beetroot juice with the highest ranking in systems they use to classify supplements, accounting for the level of scientific evidence backing up their effects on performance (4).

How to benefit from beetroot yourself

To reap these benefits yourself, try adding raw beetroot to smoothies or have some roasted beetroot alongside a pre-event meal. Alternatively, try a cup or two of beetroot juice 2-3 hours before exercise, or find concentrated beetroot juice ‘shots’ which may be more convenient.

As well taking prior to exercise, habitual intake of nitrate-rich plant foods can accrue performance-enhancing effects over time (5). So, regularly include beetroot in your diet alongside other nitrate-rich plant foods such as spinach, rocket (arugula), lettuce and cress. Try these amazing vegan beetroot and quinoa burgers combined with nitrate-rich greens for a brilliant pre-event meal!

Found this useful? Find loads of proven advice, including the same science-based strategies I use with elite-level sportspeople, in my book The Plant-Based Power Plan. Available from Amazon, Waterstones, The Book Depository (free worldwide shipping) and all good independent book stores.


1.     Clifford, T., Howatson, G., West, D. J., & Stevenson, E. J. (2015). The potential benefits of red beetroot supplementation in health and disease. Nutrients7(4), 2801–2822.

2.     Domínguez, R., Cuenca, E., Maté-Muñoz, J. L., García-Fernández, P., Serra-Paya, N., Estevan, M. C., Herreros, P. V., & Garnacho-Castaño, M. V. (2017). Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplementation on Cardiorespiratory Endurance in Athletes. A Systematic Review. Nutrients9 (1), 43.

3.     Domínguez, R., Maté-Muñoz, J.L., Cuenca, E. et al. Effects of beetroot juice supplementation on intermittent high-intensity exercise efforts. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 15, 2 (2018).

4.     Australian Institute of Sport. ABCD classification system.

5.     Jonvik, Kristin & Nyakayiru, Jean & van Dijk, Jan-Willem & Wardenaar, Floris & Loon, Luc & Verdijk, Lex. (2016). Habitual Dietary Nitrate Intake in Highly Trained Athletes. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 27. 1-25.